George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

Labor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer Teacher

The  Colorado FTLP Farmer Teacher Labor Party

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5.2 United Nations partners
The United Nations operates through an elaborate structure of specialized agencies and bodies to carry out components of the mandate and objectives of the Organization. While OHCHR has prime responsibility for the overall United Nations human rights programme, most United Nations partners are mandated to some extent to promote or protect particular rights, vulnerable groups or human rights issues. These partners specialize in a wide diversity of human rights issues which include, inter alia, women, refugees, children, health, labour rights, development, education, humanitarian assistance, food, population, the environment and science.
Since the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights, human rights have assumed a more prominent place in the United Nations system. The Secretary-General’s Programme for Reform has accelerated this process and expanded the human rights programme throughout the system. Further mainstreaming of human rights in the United Nations system continues to be one of the major tasks of OHCHR in collaboration with its partners.
United Nations partners work together to co-ordinate activities relating to human rights. Comprehensive human rights training of United Nations staff is indispensable for the further mainstreaming of human rights into the United Nations system and for enhanced co-ordination of related activities. Establishment of human rights focal points within each component of the United Nations system, as well as development of joint or co-ordinated pro- grammes addressing human rights issues, will provide the organizational framework for cooperation in this area. Strengthening cooperation and co- ordination at national level, with a view to assisting more effectively in imple- menting human rights standards by Governments and civil society, must be the focus of attention of all those involved. The human rights dimension should be included in the design and realization of all United Nations co- ordinated country programmes. The establishment of human rights focal points in United Nations field offices can ensure a continuing focus on these rights. OHCHR provides substantive guidance to partners, with a view to put- ting in place a consistent approach to human rights system-wide.
For further information see the official WEB Site Locator for the United Nations System of Organiza- tions:

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