George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

Labor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer Teacher

The  Colorado FTLP Farmer Teacher Labor Party

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a. OHCHR Human Rights Fact Sheets
The Human Rights Fact Sheets deal with selected questions of human rights under active consideration or are of particular interest. Human Rights Fact Sheets are intended to facilitate better understanding on the part of a growing audience of basic human rights, the United Nations agenda for promoting and protecting them and the international machinery available for realizing those rights.
The Fact Sheets are free of charge and distributed worldwide. Their repro- duction in languages other than the official United Nations languages is encouraged, provided that no changes are made to the contents and that OHCHR is advised by the reproducing organization and given the credit for being the source of  the material.


Published to date:
No. 1 Human Rights Machinery (under revision)
No. 2 (Rev.1) The International Bill of  Human Rights
No. 3 (Rev.1) Advisory Services and Technical Cooperation in the Field of  Human Rights
No. 4 Methods of Combating Torture
No. 5 Programme of  Action for the Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination
No. 6 (Rev.2) Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances No. 7 Communications Procedures (revision is pending)
No. 8 World Public Information Campaign for Human Rights No. 9 (Rev.1) The Rights of  Indigenous Peoples
No. 10 (Rev.1) The Rights of  the Child
No. 11 (Rev.1) Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions No. 12 The Committee on the Elimination of Racial
No. 13 International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights No. 14 Contemporary Forms of Slavery
No. 15 Civil and Political Rights: The Human Rights Committee No. 16 The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights No. 17 The Committee against Torture
No. 18 (Rev.1) Minority Rights
No. 19 National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
No. 20 Human Rights and Refugees
No. 21 The Human Right to Adequate Housing
No. 22 Discrimination against Women: The Convention and the Committee
No. 23 Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children
No. 24 The Rights of  Migrant Workers
No. 25 Forced Evictions and Human Rights

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