George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

Labor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer Teacher

The  Colorado FTLP Farmer Teacher Labor Party

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Human rights education campaigns
The United Nations has initiated and encouraged human rights awareness campaigns in order to promote particular human rights issues. The activities carried out during these campaigns include the development of publications, studies and programmes with the involvement of United Nations bodies, States, other international, regional and local organizations and civil society. The campaigns are intended to highlight specific human rights issues. It is widely acknowledged that awareness and information are vital to respect for human rights and prevention of human rights violations.

a. World Public Information Campaign on Human Rights (1988-ongoing)
It was only as recently as 1988 that the first concerted international effort was made to promote human rights. Although efforts had been made in the mid fifties to enhance awareness of the drafting work on the international Cove- nants, the launching of the World Public Information Campaign on Human Rights by the General Assembly in December 1988 represented the first seri-

ous attempt at coordinated effort for developing awareness of international norms. It was launched on the 40th Anniversary of the UDHR and is open- ended: once launched, it became part of the United Nations human rights programme.
The Campaign includes the publication and dissemination of human rights information and reference material, the organization of a fellowship and internship programme, briefings, commemorative events, exhibits and exter- nal relations activities.
The programme has expanded significantly since 1988. The use of the OHCHR website is an important new development. It is, inter alia, a reposi- tory of United Nations human rights information in English, French and Spanish relating to international treaties, treaty-body databases, programmes and activities, United Nations reports, resolutions and human rights issues.

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