George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

Labor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer Teacher

The  Colorado FTLP Farmer Teacher Labor Party

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Non-governmental organizations and civil  society
Civil society constitutes an increasingly important factor in the international community. In recent years, the United Nations has found that much of its work, particularly at national level, calls for the involvement of various non- governmental organizations and groups – whether in economic and social development, humanitarian affairs, public health, or the promotion of human rights.
National and international non-governmental human rights organizations are key actors in the Technical Cooperation Programme, both in the delivery of assistance and as recipients of that assistance. In relation to the programme’s aims to strengthen civil society, the United Nations is increasingly being called upon by Governments and others to provide assistance to national NGOs, in the context of its country activities, by soliciting their input, utilizing their ser- vices in seminars and training courses, and supporting appropriate projects which have been developed. (See 4.5)

Information and documentation projects
The Technical Cooperation Programme also provides human rights informa- tion and documentation and contributes to building capacity for the effective utilization and management of such material. Activities in this area include direct provision of documentation, translated where necessary into local lan- guages; training in human rights information; and assistance in computeriza- tion of national and regional human rights offices. Assistance is also provided to national libraries in acquiring human rights books and documentation, and support can be lent for the establishment and functioning of national or regional human rights documentation centres.
Several manuals, handbooks and modules are being produced to support train- ing and other technical cooperation activities. Existing or planned material tar- gets specific audiences, such as the police, judges and lawyers, prison personnel, national human rights action plans, the armed forces, teachers and human rights monitors involved in United Nations field operations. The mate-

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