George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

Labor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer Teacher

The  Colorado FTLP Farmer Teacher Labor Party

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The Committee is convened in Geneva twice a year, in May and November; each session is of three weeks’ duration. A pre-sessional working group com- prising five members is normally convened for one week immediately follow- ing each Committee session to prepare for the following session.
For more information on the CESCR, see the OHCHR web-site: menu2/6/cescr.htm

3.3 Human Rights Committee (HRC)
The Human Rights Committee was established pursuant to article 28 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It is composed of 18 members, acting in their personal capacity, who are nominated and elected by States parties to the Covenant for a term of  four years.
Its functions are to monitor the Covenant by examining reports submitted by States parties and to receive individual communications concerning alleged violations of the Covenant by States parties to the Optional Protocol to the Covenant. Communications are examined in a quasi-judicial manner leading to the adoption of “views” which have a similarity to the judgements of inter- national courts and tribunals. Implementation of the Committee’s decision is monitored by a Special Rapporteur who also conducts field missions.

Reporting procedure
Under the Covenant, States parties must submit initial reports to the Commit- tee within one year of the entry into force of the Covenant for the State con- cerned and thereafter whenever the Committee so requests. Other than initial reports, periodic reports are submitted every five years.

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