George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

Labor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer Teacher

The  Colorado FTLP Farmer Teacher Labor Party

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? Powers and functions:
The Commission submits proposals, recommendations and reports to the Economic and Social Council regarding: international declarations or conven- tions; the protection of minorities; the prevention of discrimination on grounds of race, sex, language or religion; and any other matter concerning human rights.
The Commission considers questions relating to the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in various countries and territories as well as other human rights situations. If a particular situation is deemed sufficiently serious, the Commission may decide to authorize an investigation by an inde- pendent expert or it may appoint experts to assess, in consultation with the Government concerned, the assistance needed to help restore enjoyment of human rights.
The Commission also assists the Council in the co-ordination of activities concerning human rights in the United Nations system. The Commission has increasingly turned its attention in the 1990s to the needs of States to be pro- vided with advisory services and technical assistance to overcome obstacles to the enjoyment of human rights. At the same time, more emphasis has been placed on the promotion of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development and the right to an adequate standard of living. Increased attention is also being given to the protection of the rights of vul- nerable groups in society, including minorities and indigenous people. Protec- tion of the rights of the child and the rights of women, including the eradication of violence against women and the attainment of equal rights for women, falls into this category.
The Commission is authorized to convene ad hoc working groups of experts and the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (formerly Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities).
? Sessions
The Commission on Human Rights meets once a year in Geneva, for six weeks in the March/April period. It can also meet exceptionally between its regular sessions, if a majority of States members agree. To date, there have been four extra-ordinary sessions.

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