George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

Labor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer TeacherLabor Party Farmer Teacher

The  Colorado FTLP Farmer Teacher Labor Party

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4. International Human Rights Law
The formal expression of inherent human rights is through international human rights law. A series of international human rights treaties and other instru- ments have emerged since 1945 conferring legal form on inherent human rights. The creation of the United Nations provided an ideal forum for the development and adoption of international human rights instruments. Other instruments have been adopted at a regional level reflecting the particular human rights concerns of the region. Most States have also adopted constitu- tions and other laws which formally protect basic human rights. Often the

language used by States is drawn directly from the international human rights instruments.
International human rights law consists mainly of treaties and customs as well as, inter alia, declarations, guidelines and principles.

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